What a Black Belt Means to Me
by Nicolas B, SA Kid's Karate Black Belt
To me a black belt means that I haven't quit, and that I have pushed myself to the top. It means that karate is one of the best things I do.
A black belt means that I listen to directions and show good sportsmanship. I try my hardest and best at everything I work on.
A black belt means that I have a lot of courtesy and respect. It means that I need to show my black belt attitude all the time, because there will always be junior belts watching and learning from me. It means that I become a teacher to other kids who are just starting out.
In karate I have to talk in front of a lot of people, and that has helped me to not be afraid to speak in public. A black belt means that I'm becoming a better, more determined leader. It means that I know I have the focus and ability to lead.
Karate has taught me that if you fail, try and try again. If you fall, get back up and keep going.
A black belt means that hard work really does pay off, and that hard work will help you achieve your goals.